And He's Cute Too!
Those that follow me on Twitter know that I've been dreaming all winter of getting a baby chicken this spring, but one of my requirements was that it had to be a Cute baby chic. And that I would love it and cuddle it so that it wouldn't attack me and flog my ankles. So when I found this one I asked Hubby if I could take him home, since I wouldn't have a problem cuddling with him. Hubby asked him if he ate crickets - he said No. Needless to say I didn't get this particular chicken.
But that's not the real story here. Story is I had a guest over till 2:30 am and I had to be up at 5:00 am to attend Breakfast Club at Purdue for Grand Prix Weekend, and I made it!
Hulk Hogan taking the #3 spot in JunkYardGypsies Top Breakfast Club Costume Showdown.
You have to Love Halloween mid April. Actually Purdue's Breakfast Club is better than Halloween!
Little Beetlejuice & Lego's to get your morning started?
#2 in JunkYardGypsies Top Breakfast Club Costume Showdown.
Purdue's Grand Prix Charity go-cart race started in 1958 with gas powered lawnmower engines. Today they are using electric go-carts and it's good thing too with the way gas prices are today. Smart Planet did an article on the switch from gas to electric go-carts for Purdue's Grand Prix. A grant from the 6.1 million, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Yeah, Baby! If you would like to see what a One Million Dollar "College Racetrack" looks like visit the Purdue Exponent to watch a video of last weeks practice run.
I promise you won't be that impressed.
However, Breakfast Club is sure to impress every time. And this year was no exception. My number One FAB Find was the Marvel Comic Avenger Group! These guys take 1st place in the JunkYardGypsies Top Breakfast Club Costume Showdown! Way to go guys you went above and beyond.
If you want to attend Breakfast Club make sure to get there early. We arrived at 6:30am and the lines were long, very long in order to get into those clubs to start drinking at 7am, before that 2pm race starts. Hey you have to have enough time to get your buzz on!
Even though the lines are long everyone was in a super good mood (schools almost over) and more than happy to let us take their pictures. We had a lot fun looking at everyone's costumes.
Honorable Mentions to:
The Monopoly Gang
And *Kiss*
And so many more...
They were all adorable and creative. We couldn't photograph them all but here's a small sampling.
The eV race didn't replace the gas race, it actually was a totally new and separate race. They are actually pretty cool since they are completely student built (including the batteries and systems that power the karts). Breakfast Club is awesome, but come on... student built go-karts are still way cooler than bikes!