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Friday, December 3, 2010

What to do with Old Vintage License Plates?

My brother called the other day and ask if I wanted some old license plates that he found in his pole barn.
Humm, what to do with old license plates,
if they're not of a particular vintage value?
So I went shopping around online and found some really neat pieces, like this butterfly & lobster at RecycledMonkey had a working guitar covered in license plates.  The link went to Etsy but no longer showed this particular guitar.

However, another Etsy seller RunningOnEmpty, fashions license plates into guitar shaped wall displays.
Then I found Etsy Seller TomBoyArt
Cutting up the plates to spell words like Peace, Johnny Cash, Say What, just to name a few of her 35 pieces.  I don't think he has enough for me to spell words, but it's a cute idea.
If you're thinking of doing something similar and need license plates for your project Ebay has tons of expired plates starting at just a dollar.  And of course you can always run across specials there like this auction for 51 plate with free shipping, starting at .01 - No bids as of today.  If think you might have a vintage license plate that a collector might be interested in, you could start researching by reading "License to a Cool Collection"

Happy Hanukkah!

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  1. Once again I am amazed at the creativity flowing freely in this world! Thanks for sharing this info.

  2. FANTASTIC ideas! SO glad I found this post! : )

  3. I have been wanting to get my hands on an old guitar forever! I have an idea for it. I love the license plateS!

  4. This is very cool. Like it. Thanks for the ideas, although i wish European numberplates were this colourful.

    To pass something nice back maybe this is also of interest:

    British original vintage just started offering global shipping
